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Upcoming classes




Plot Your Novel with the Three-Act Structure

Wednesday, January 17th through February 21st 

**Zoom meetings Tuesdays from 7-8:30pm ET, beginning January 17th

Location: Online through


Plotting a novel can be a daunting task, one that leaves our hands sweaty and makes us reconsider why we chose to write one in the first place. By studying the classic three-act structure and its use throughout storytelling forms, we can make that task a little lighter and find new ways to bring our stories to life.


In this class, we will explore the acts of the three-act structure in detail. Each week we will cover an act from the three-act structure in-depth, providing the opportunity to learn about and discuss the structure one act at a time. In between classes, you will apply the lesson to your own story and build your outline in stages. You will also learn about how the main points of the three-act structure are connected and intertwined with your protagonist’s character or emotional arc and how to up the stakes at each stage of the plot arc.


Open to fiction writers at any stage in the drafting process. 


Sign up for Plotting with the Three-Act Structure here




teaching artistry and Program Coordination

Using my experience in non-profit arts and outreach programming coordination and as an arts education teaching artist, I specialize in building programming that includes the following: 


  • arts integration (with a specific focus on literature curriculum)

  • arts education

  • aesthetic education

  • social and emotional learning

  • Common Core Standards

  • partner teaching

  • community arts programming

  • partnerships between community and arts organizations

Interested in working with me to create a curriculum or consult on an arts-based or outreach program? Contact me for more details

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